sounddesign for film


Leer (10min)


In the dancefilm LEER [LEATHER] we see Hank. Hank has problems. Hank does not fit in. Riding his motorcycle enables him to clear his mind. Above 130 everything becomes black and white. During his nightly drives his thoughts and reality become deeply entwined. Hank is no longer sure if his experience is real or not, but he is sure of one thing: if you twist the throttle far enough, no one will hear you cry in your helmet.

LEER premiered on June 22, 2018 during the DOX Summer Special (Netherlands), and was also shown at Lowlands Festival (Netherlands), Movimiento en Movimiento Festival (Mexico), Lviv Short Film Festival Wiz-Art (Ukraine), Ouchy Film Awards (Switzerland), Moving Pictures Festival (Belgium), Rotterdams Open Doek (Netherlands), Festival Trecé uho Dubrovnik (Croatia), and Dansblok Leiden (Netherlands). LEER is currently being shown at international film festivals.

LEER has won awards at In Shadow Film Festival (Portugal), International Best Screendance, and Short&Sweet Festival (New Zealand) for Best Direction, Best Concept, and Best Sound Design.

Made by 155 & DOX